Thursday, November 22, 2007

Something to be truly Grateful for. . .

Brian and I are spending the Thanksgiving holiday at my parent's house this year. It was one of those times last night, as Jami and I were sipping on a glass of wine with my mom in their living room. Chatting about this, that and the other- while Brian and my dad were outside grilling wings. We thought Tobias and Kingstin were with them and they thought the boys were with us. When we finally realized the boys were not in the house- peer panic set in. Tobias and Kingstin were not home. In absolute horror, the back gate was slightly open and tiny foot prints led out in the fresh fallen snow- only to disappear in the brush that surrounds the lake they live on. It was 19 degrees out, 8 o'clock at night and my parent's live near a busy highway- 392. Without a coat, I ran out the back door to the highway- only praying that I would not find them up there. Jami ran out the door. . . Brian ran up the hill- were the local coyotes call home- my dad ran in the opposite direction of Jami. We had no idea how long they had been gone and all I could hear was my family calling out our dogs names. My heart sank as I reached the highway- they were not there. Sadness, tears, panic and heartache thinking we had to find them tonight or they would not make it through the night in the single digit temps. I was still running around the lake, when I heard my dad yelling MY name. He found them. . . They were safe at home. I just began to cry. He had found them in the neighborhood above my parent's home- running in the snow- playing with eachother. It was a miracle we found them.


Anonymous said...

I am so happy that Tobias and Kingstin are home safe! I can only imagine how terrifying that was for your family. I bet it was such a wonderful Thanksgiving to treat to have them home safely.

Jami said...

I couldn't agree more . . . thank goodness they came home. But like Dad said there was something calm about it he knew they were coming home. Love you!

Kimberly said...

I'm glad they were ok!

Ivory said...

Oh, I am so glad that they are alright!